Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Asian Influences on the Filipino Culture

Asian Influences on the Filipino Culture Hindu Pre-contact period Before the Spanish period, the archipelagoes of Southeast Asia were under the influence of traders from the  Hindu-Malayan  culture, such as theMajapahit Empire, which was then supplanted by Islamic  Ã°Å¸Ëœâ‚¬ teaching by Muslims traders from Gujarat, India. Influences from the Indian subcontinent may be traced earlier to before the arrival of the Arabs and the Europeans during the 15th and 16th centuries respectively. The rulers of many of the islands were called Rajas, or Rajahs.An example would be the  Visayas, said to be named after the last Southeast Hindu Prince Srivijaya. Spanish era Further adherence to Hinduism was superseded by the advent of  Islam  brought to the archipelago By  Indonesian,  Malay, and  Arab  missionaries in the 14th century, as well as the arrival of Christianity with the  Spaniards  in 1521. It is highly possible however that the Philippines was part of Hindu empire s based in  Java  and in other islands prior to the introduction of these new religions.Local  Rajahs  gave tribute to such Hindu-Buddhist empires that included  Sri Vijaya  and  Majapahit. American period Ancient statues of the Hindu gods were hidden to prevent their destruction by Christians who worshiped a single deity. One such statue, known as ‘Golden Tara', is a 4-pound gold statue of an Indo-Malayan goddess found in  Mindanao  in 1917, which now sits in the  Field Museum of Natural Historyin  Chicago, and is dated from the period 13th to early 14th centuries. Another gold artifact, this time found on  Palawan, is an image of  Garuda, the bird who is the mount of  Vishnu.Hinduism today There is some growth in the religion as of late, although most temples cater to the same communities. Actual adherents of  Hinduism  are mostly limited to communities that include indigenous and native peoples, expatriate communities, as well as new converts . There are various  Hare Krishna  groups and popular Hindu personalities and groups such as  Sai Baba, and  Paramahansa Yogananda  (SRF) that can be found. Hindu based practises like  Yoga  and  meditation  are also popular. Arab 1. Islam 2. Sultan government 3. Arabic language 4. Arabic writing system . Words like apo, sulat, alamat at salamat, came from the Arabic words ima, kitab and kali. 6. the use of calendar 7. â€Å"singkil† dance Chinese- The following Chinese influences on Filipino culture are still evident today:   * The use of porcelain wares, gongs, and other metals * The manufacture of gunpowder and setting off of fireworks during special occasions * The use of loose trousers and wearing of camisa de chino, slippers, wooden shoes * Gambling games such as jueteng and mahjong * Cooking such dishes as lumpia, mami, pancit and lechon Customs such as respect for elders and the veneration of ancestors * Traditions such as prearranged marriages and participation of a mediator in marital talks * Traits such as close family ties, frugality and hard work * The use of words with Chinese etymology. Japanese The Japanese and Filipino trade relations that began as early as 654 A. D. made its mark on the lifestyle of the Filipinos. The Japanese introduced industries such as the manufacture of weapons and tools, tanning of animal skin, and the artificial breeding of ducks and fish. To start with, there are Japanese Filipinos.Trade relations with Japan date as early as the 9th century. Japanese traders and merchants (as well as Okinawans) first settled during the 12th century AD under the  Luzon Empire  and the Majapahit Kingdom, especially in areas such as Paco and Davao and along Lingayen Gulf. Their influence is evident in the popularity of noodles (known as â€Å"Mami†), the game of â€Å"mahjong†, Japanese â€Å"Mochi† (rice cake) which is similar to Filipino ‘Palitao'. Many famous Filipinos are of m ixed Japanese/Spanish/Filipino lineage :  Lou Diamond Phillips,Ferdinand Marcos, Paciano Rizal, Romnick Sarmienta, Gillian Akiko Thomson.And about 300,000 Filipinos live in Japan (2004 numbers), that means a significant cultural and financial influx. Including children of Filipino women living in Japan returning to learn English. Sources: http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Hinduism_in_the_Philippines http://wiki. answers. com/Q/What_are_the_influences_of_Arabs_in_the_Philippines#ixzz27xBP6ZEU http://wiki. answers. com/Q/What_are_the_Chinese_influences_in_the_Philippines#ixzz27x94L8pb http://wiki. answers. com/Q/What_are_some_Japanese_influences_on_the_Filipino_culture#ixzz27xGJ9mIi http://answers. yahoo. com/question/index? qid=20080805045217AAqIJGA

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