Friday, February 28, 2020

Harold Kushners Theory of God and Mans Suffering Essay

Harold Kushners Theory of God and Mans Suffering - Essay Example However, one of them needs to be declined to rationalize and imagine the overall reason for his adverse condition. In the most terrible state of life â€Å"Job† meets his friends and his friends suggest that all the suffering in Job’s life are a reaction of his sins that are declining the third belief (3). However, Job declines and suggests that since he has been a good and submissive being of God, therefore, God has been unfair to him; declining the idea of justice from God (2). Thirdly, according to Kushner if he is just and fair God, who is kind and good with his creature maybe he has no control over certain happenstances; thus, proving that God is not all supreme and powerful (1). The above-stated hypothesis was suggested by Harold S. Kushner when a strong religious believer of God like him lost his beloved son of fourteen to an incurable disease (62, Long). He reviewed his views of God after his son’s death and thus, produced a perspective, which supported few of the situations but is not acceptable or pragmatic in general. Instead, his views are perceived as anti-God and disrespectful among all the religious communities of the world. If a poised and blessed person like â€Å"Job† loses his health and wealth including his family and children. Then the poised person should have known that this life on Earth is a test for humans by the God (most powerful). And if one fails to comply with the rules developed/told by God, then he will be clearly a follower of Satan, who himself was ungrateful and proud. Similarly, he should have known that even the most beloved and poised Prophets were tested by the God and he tests the loyalty and faith of his creatures (human) in various ways.  Ã‚  

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Sales Proposal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Sales Proposal - Essay Example The brochures containing information about the different models of air conditioners are with me. All I need to do is make a concise proposal and hand it to the customer along with the prices and the brochure. The proposal must be made in a letter that is not more than two pages in length. The proposal begins with the reference to the customer’s verbal enquiry, and goes on to thank him for the same. The range of the air conditioners is divided into three categories, as top class, medium level, and the regular air conditioners. I arm myself with all the information and brochures of the top class air conditioners. I also take with me a few brochures of the medium and the regular ranges. The literature containing my proposal and the brochures are packed into my brief case. I neatly place two ball pens at the slots provided inside the brief case. The proposal provides the main features of the air conditioners and requests the customer to refer to the brochures for more details. The proposal is careful to mention the advantages of the company’s air conditioners compared to the other air conditioners available in the market. I take a blank proforma invoice with me so that when the order is placed the customer gets the proforma invoice against which he can make the payment. I will send him the regular bill with the air conditioner. It is 4.00 pm and I am at the customer’s residence. I politely introduce myself and enter the residence. I open my brief case and hand him my proposal and the brochures. The customer goes through the proposal in silence. Then he asks me how much time it would take for the air conditioner to be fitted in his bedroom. I tell him it would take about an hour. He asks me some more routine questions and I answer them politely. I then convince him about the benefits of the air conditioner and the changes he can expect in his residence with the new air conditioner.