Monday, December 30, 2019

Reproductive And Sexual Health Policies - 2415 Words

Introduction Reproductive health policies have always been controversial in the United States. There are diverging views of what should be considered policy and what should not be considered. There are differing views on how far reproductive and sexual health policies should go to protect the rights of all citizens in reproductive and family planning matters. Despite the differing opinions and uncertainty in how to proceed with reproductive health policies, there is one thing that is certain. Sexual and reproductive health outcomes in the US are worse than most other high-income countries even though we spend more on health care per capita. According to an article written for Advocates for Youth, the US teen pregnancy rate is three-fold†¦show more content†¦Various social and cultural barriers have created disparities among various groups of women that have led to poorer reproductive and sexual health outcomes for some women more than others. Something has to be done to reverse these trends in poor health outcomes so that everyone can live a happier and healthier life. Literature Review The Supreme Court case Hobby Lobby v. Burwell is an important event for reproductive and sexual health policy because it gives some religious institutions, organizations and businesses the option to opt out of the Affordable Care Act’s contraceptive mandate. Small religious groups that oppose the mandate cite â€Å"religious freedom† as a constitutional right that should substantiate their exemption. However, this ruling has adverse effects on the reproductive and sexual health rights of women who are employed by these companies. Patton, Hall, and Dalton s (2015) study focuses on the perspectives of women in regards to reproductive and sexual health policy. The study uses descriptive statistics, bivariate chi-square tests, and multivariate logistic regression to determine if there is an association between religious affiliation and women’s attitudes towards reproductive and sexual health policies. The randomly selected sample of women with various religious backgrounds are given surveys to assess their experiences with women’s health care

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Components of Physical Security - 3352 Words

Components of Physical Security Steven Looney Student ID: 4168626 SCMT397 Physical Security Professor Robert D Baker October 25, 2011 Components of Physical Security In physical security, there is no one measure that can fulfill all security needs for any one facility. Therefore, security measures must be designed in layers. According to Lawrence Fennelly â€Å"physical security is the most fundamental aspect of protection, it is the use of physical controls to protect the premises, site, facility, building, or other physical asset† (2004). The many components or layers of security measures are what make up good physical security. The assets being protected and the nature of the threat to the asset will dictate the amount of physical†¦show more content†¦Most nuclear facilities must protect against a vehicle carrying a set amount of explosives. Therefore, a vehicle barrier system must be a part of their physical security to protect the facility. Natural barriers can also be effective as perimeter barriers. Natural barriers are natural land marks used as a perimeter barrier, such as lakes, rivers, cliffs, and difficult terrain. The effectiveness of a natural barrier depends on the type of natural barrier it is, and how it is used in physical security measures. Therefore, Lawrence Fennelly offers this example to explain how the type and usage of a natural barrier can affect the effectiveness of the barrier, â€Å"a body of water may be very effective in keeping pedestrian traffic away from your property but not very effective at keeping boat traffic from your property† (2008). Man-made barriers can also be placed to enhance the natural barrier, like in the example a wall or fence can be placed in the area to keep boat traffic away from the property. Just like man-made barriers, natural barriers can also be overcome, therefore they should be monitored at all times. The facility grounds between the perimeter and the assets being protected can also be used as part of the physical security of that facility. These areas can be very effective as buffer zones if kept cleared, and monitored. Buffer zones can al so be very effective for facilities that have to protect against forced entry by armed adversaries. These bufferShow MoreRelatedIntroduction. There Are Many Factors To Consider In The1176 Words   |  5 PagesIntroduction There are many factors to consider in the development of an environmental and physical security policy. Many may believe that these two components are mutually exclusive; however, there should be careful consideration as to whether or not include the two components as one singular policy, with sections that represent each. As one would expect, the physical aspects of the policy govern physical access to facilities, as well as to information technology resources. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

What Is Caribbean Studies and Why Is It Important to Study It Free Essays

Caribbean studies is a very fascinating subject for anyone to study but in order for one to know what exactly Caribbean Studies entails, we must know what is the basis of its existence, the Caribbean. The Caribbean is a region consisting of the Caribbean Sea, the islands (most of which enclose the sea) and the surrounding coasts. The region is located east of Central America, the southeast of North America and north of South America. We will write a custom essay sample on What Is Caribbean Studies and Why Is It Important to Study It or any similar topic only for you Order Now This region comprises more than 7000 islands, islets, reefs and cays. The ‘West Indies’, the name used very regular today was given to it by Christopher Columbus when landing in Hispaniola in 1492, believed he had reached the Indies (in Asia). This arrival shaped the very existence of the Caribbean and most particular its people today. Knowing the history of the Caribbean region goes a long way toward understanding its people. Each island has a unique cultural identity shaped by the European colonialists, the African heritage of slaves, and the enduring legacies of the native Indian tribes. This rich history and its lasting influence is set against a backdrop of crystal clear waters and perpetual sunshine. Just knowing the history is just the tip of the iceberg. To understand the diversity of each island, their distinctive physical, political and socioeconomic challenges must be examined as well as their geography, common historical experiences, participation in the global community, not forgetting the diverse ethnic and racial groups and the continuing struggle for survival and sovereignty. This is why Caribbean Studies is important. Almost all the islands except for the very small ones are self-governed so they all exist on their own ,so why do we study them all? According to the geographical arrangement and most importantly, the settlements that were made after Columbus, the Caribbean islands were seen as one big unit that would provide liquidity for Europe. Each island shares a commonness of how they were colonized, how they fought to become independent and how they are sustaining themselves to compete with the international market. For a people to know where they are going, they must know where they came from, who they are now in order to shape their future. Many different events took place in the islands that changed the islands and their people. It is seen throughout history that the Caribbean people fought for whatever the wanted from the Indigenous people to African slaves for freedom to the Black citizens for independence of colonial rule. The independence of Haiti in 1804, mobilized the other countries in and around the Caribbean to fight for freedom. In Grenada, through Sir Eric Matthew Gary, she got her independence after long debates. Independence enabled the islands to be self-relying to make decisions on their owns so that the people today can choose what they do on a daily basis. Because of what happened many years ago, we can enjoy these benefits. This is why Caribbean Studies is important. How to cite What Is Caribbean Studies and Why Is It Important to Study It, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Changes Through the Inner Mirror free essay sample

I am now a writer. I think. I have learned the things needed to be a writer; I enjoy it now. I like to sit and wonder—and write. It all seems clearer: where I want to go and who I want to be. It is all much easier now. It is hard to imagine my life without my pivotal junior year in which I have turned into a butterfly, a male butterfly that is free to roam the winds created by Aeolos—and rest when dusk falls. And only at that break of twilight, will I be unfocused, because the rest—is just transparent. I have learned to see things, not as they are, or how they appear, but as how their existence molds my life. Not by their color, nor by their scent, but by the way my breath touches their surface. They do not have a meaning, but rather a purpose that I am destined to decipher. We will write a custom essay sample on Changes Through the Inner Mirror or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page But what I have already found is my mission, my quest for happiness and peace, and my reason to believeto believe that life is composed of tiny atoms, like the element of gold. And to learn the importance of every particle involved in playing a vital role in the existence of such natural beauty. I am not exactly sure of where I am at this moment, but I do know where I would have been if I had not taken the challenge. Nowhere—no place of importance. Somehow, the skills I learned in junior English III AP class went beyond my paper and pen and caused a permutation in my perception of life. A change that has almost given me—power. And not power like those of God, but power to know and to account for the things around me. Just enough of it to know that I emptied myself in order to obtain it. I simply gained the power to learn, and perhaps, in another realm of existence, the power to teach. I hope to one day escape my reveries and bring with me the virtues of becoming a great mentor, for that will show the master skill of learning as well as the truth in knowing to precede, and then to prevail. The world appeared so enigmatic, and now it seems that has only worsened. However, it has become a challenging puzzle that I am eager to parlay, and not a blurred vision of a mournful morning in which I find nothing but questions that seem to have no answer. Now I wake with the moon, every morning I can, in order to get the most out of life and the most of every moment. I never waste a minute, much less a breath, for my life is the most important thing to me. And you, pedagogue—had the power to alter it. This journey through the world of art has been an unforgettable one. I have surpassed my fears of writing, and I am no longer scared to read some of the world’s most amazing pieces of literature. It was at the end of this odyssey that I learned the importance of connecting my mind with the minds of others. It has given me the combination to the safe of life. This will certify that the above work is completely original.