Monday, December 30, 2019

Reproductive And Sexual Health Policies - 2415 Words

Introduction Reproductive health policies have always been controversial in the United States. There are diverging views of what should be considered policy and what should not be considered. There are differing views on how far reproductive and sexual health policies should go to protect the rights of all citizens in reproductive and family planning matters. Despite the differing opinions and uncertainty in how to proceed with reproductive health policies, there is one thing that is certain. Sexual and reproductive health outcomes in the US are worse than most other high-income countries even though we spend more on health care per capita. According to an article written for Advocates for Youth, the US teen pregnancy rate is three-fold†¦show more content†¦Various social and cultural barriers have created disparities among various groups of women that have led to poorer reproductive and sexual health outcomes for some women more than others. Something has to be done to reverse these trends in poor health outcomes so that everyone can live a happier and healthier life. Literature Review The Supreme Court case Hobby Lobby v. Burwell is an important event for reproductive and sexual health policy because it gives some religious institutions, organizations and businesses the option to opt out of the Affordable Care Act’s contraceptive mandate. Small religious groups that oppose the mandate cite â€Å"religious freedom† as a constitutional right that should substantiate their exemption. However, this ruling has adverse effects on the reproductive and sexual health rights of women who are employed by these companies. Patton, Hall, and Dalton s (2015) study focuses on the perspectives of women in regards to reproductive and sexual health policy. The study uses descriptive statistics, bivariate chi-square tests, and multivariate logistic regression to determine if there is an association between religious affiliation and women’s attitudes towards reproductive and sexual health policies. The randomly selected sample of women with various religious backgrounds are given surveys to assess their experiences with women’s health care

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Components of Physical Security - 3352 Words

Components of Physical Security Steven Looney Student ID: 4168626 SCMT397 Physical Security Professor Robert D Baker October 25, 2011 Components of Physical Security In physical security, there is no one measure that can fulfill all security needs for any one facility. Therefore, security measures must be designed in layers. According to Lawrence Fennelly â€Å"physical security is the most fundamental aspect of protection, it is the use of physical controls to protect the premises, site, facility, building, or other physical asset† (2004). The many components or layers of security measures are what make up good physical security. The assets being protected and the nature of the threat to the asset will dictate the amount of physical†¦show more content†¦Most nuclear facilities must protect against a vehicle carrying a set amount of explosives. Therefore, a vehicle barrier system must be a part of their physical security to protect the facility. Natural barriers can also be effective as perimeter barriers. Natural barriers are natural land marks used as a perimeter barrier, such as lakes, rivers, cliffs, and difficult terrain. The effectiveness of a natural barrier depends on the type of natural barrier it is, and how it is used in physical security measures. Therefore, Lawrence Fennelly offers this example to explain how the type and usage of a natural barrier can affect the effectiveness of the barrier, â€Å"a body of water may be very effective in keeping pedestrian traffic away from your property but not very effective at keeping boat traffic from your property† (2008). Man-made barriers can also be placed to enhance the natural barrier, like in the example a wall or fence can be placed in the area to keep boat traffic away from the property. Just like man-made barriers, natural barriers can also be overcome, therefore they should be monitored at all times. The facility grounds between the perimeter and the assets being protected can also be used as part of the physical security of that facility. These areas can be very effective as buffer zones if kept cleared, and monitored. Buffer zones can al so be very effective for facilities that have to protect against forced entry by armed adversaries. These bufferShow MoreRelatedIntroduction. There Are Many Factors To Consider In The1176 Words   |  5 PagesIntroduction There are many factors to consider in the development of an environmental and physical security policy. Many may believe that these two components are mutually exclusive; however, there should be careful consideration as to whether or not include the two components as one singular policy, with sections that represent each. As one would expect, the physical aspects of the policy govern physical access to facilities, as well as to information technology resources. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

What Is Caribbean Studies and Why Is It Important to Study It Free Essays

Caribbean studies is a very fascinating subject for anyone to study but in order for one to know what exactly Caribbean Studies entails, we must know what is the basis of its existence, the Caribbean. The Caribbean is a region consisting of the Caribbean Sea, the islands (most of which enclose the sea) and the surrounding coasts. The region is located east of Central America, the southeast of North America and north of South America. We will write a custom essay sample on What Is Caribbean Studies and Why Is It Important to Study It or any similar topic only for you Order Now This region comprises more than 7000 islands, islets, reefs and cays. The ‘West Indies’, the name used very regular today was given to it by Christopher Columbus when landing in Hispaniola in 1492, believed he had reached the Indies (in Asia). This arrival shaped the very existence of the Caribbean and most particular its people today. Knowing the history of the Caribbean region goes a long way toward understanding its people. Each island has a unique cultural identity shaped by the European colonialists, the African heritage of slaves, and the enduring legacies of the native Indian tribes. This rich history and its lasting influence is set against a backdrop of crystal clear waters and perpetual sunshine. Just knowing the history is just the tip of the iceberg. To understand the diversity of each island, their distinctive physical, political and socioeconomic challenges must be examined as well as their geography, common historical experiences, participation in the global community, not forgetting the diverse ethnic and racial groups and the continuing struggle for survival and sovereignty. This is why Caribbean Studies is important. Almost all the islands except for the very small ones are self-governed so they all exist on their own ,so why do we study them all? According to the geographical arrangement and most importantly, the settlements that were made after Columbus, the Caribbean islands were seen as one big unit that would provide liquidity for Europe. Each island shares a commonness of how they were colonized, how they fought to become independent and how they are sustaining themselves to compete with the international market. For a people to know where they are going, they must know where they came from, who they are now in order to shape their future. Many different events took place in the islands that changed the islands and their people. It is seen throughout history that the Caribbean people fought for whatever the wanted from the Indigenous people to African slaves for freedom to the Black citizens for independence of colonial rule. The independence of Haiti in 1804, mobilized the other countries in and around the Caribbean to fight for freedom. In Grenada, through Sir Eric Matthew Gary, she got her independence after long debates. Independence enabled the islands to be self-relying to make decisions on their owns so that the people today can choose what they do on a daily basis. Because of what happened many years ago, we can enjoy these benefits. This is why Caribbean Studies is important. How to cite What Is Caribbean Studies and Why Is It Important to Study It, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Changes Through the Inner Mirror free essay sample

I am now a writer. I think. I have learned the things needed to be a writer; I enjoy it now. I like to sit and wonder—and write. It all seems clearer: where I want to go and who I want to be. It is all much easier now. It is hard to imagine my life without my pivotal junior year in which I have turned into a butterfly, a male butterfly that is free to roam the winds created by Aeolos—and rest when dusk falls. And only at that break of twilight, will I be unfocused, because the rest—is just transparent. I have learned to see things, not as they are, or how they appear, but as how their existence molds my life. Not by their color, nor by their scent, but by the way my breath touches their surface. They do not have a meaning, but rather a purpose that I am destined to decipher. We will write a custom essay sample on Changes Through the Inner Mirror or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page But what I have already found is my mission, my quest for happiness and peace, and my reason to believeto believe that life is composed of tiny atoms, like the element of gold. And to learn the importance of every particle involved in playing a vital role in the existence of such natural beauty. I am not exactly sure of where I am at this moment, but I do know where I would have been if I had not taken the challenge. Nowhere—no place of importance. Somehow, the skills I learned in junior English III AP class went beyond my paper and pen and caused a permutation in my perception of life. A change that has almost given me—power. And not power like those of God, but power to know and to account for the things around me. Just enough of it to know that I emptied myself in order to obtain it. I simply gained the power to learn, and perhaps, in another realm of existence, the power to teach. I hope to one day escape my reveries and bring with me the virtues of becoming a great mentor, for that will show the master skill of learning as well as the truth in knowing to precede, and then to prevail. The world appeared so enigmatic, and now it seems that has only worsened. However, it has become a challenging puzzle that I am eager to parlay, and not a blurred vision of a mournful morning in which I find nothing but questions that seem to have no answer. Now I wake with the moon, every morning I can, in order to get the most out of life and the most of every moment. I never waste a minute, much less a breath, for my life is the most important thing to me. And you, pedagogue—had the power to alter it. This journey through the world of art has been an unforgettable one. I have surpassed my fears of writing, and I am no longer scared to read some of the world’s most amazing pieces of literature. It was at the end of this odyssey that I learned the importance of connecting my mind with the minds of others. It has given me the combination to the safe of life. This will certify that the above work is completely original.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Ben Franklin Essays - Benjamin Franklin, Franklin,

Ben Franklin Benjamin Franklin was one of the most influential people in American history. Franklin was born on January 17, 1706, in a small town in Boston. Benjamin was one of ten children. His father, Josiah was a candle and soap maker, and his mother Abiah Folger was a homemaker. When Benjamin was only twelve years old he signed his identures so that he could apprentice under his brother, working at a printing press. Here he worked for his brother James for over nine years. Benjamin had enormous talent, and after his apprenticeship was up, he got a job printing for the Boston Gazette. However this did not last very long, after only ten months Franklins contract was given to someone else. This prompted Ben to start his own newspaper called the New England Courant. This was the beginning of a long life of success for Ben Franklin. Franklin had outstanding writing talent. His new business had done very well, but Franklin wanted more. Ben wanted to take over Philadelphias biggest newspapers, The Pennsylvania Gazette. In the year 1729 Franklin bought this newspaper. He renamed it (Thank Heavens) The Pennsylvania Gazette. In the year 1730 Franklin had fathered a son. There were many rumors, as to whom the mother was, but Franklin never released her name. As a result of this Franklin wanted to get married. A woman named Deborah Read moved into his home, and became his common law wife. During this time Franklin had established himself as a leader in the Philadelphia community. He helped to establish Philadelphias first public library. Franklin is also accredited with publishing the first almanac in 1732. Its name was Poor Richards Almanack. Benjamin Franlkins political career began in 1736. In this year he was elected clerk of the state legislature. Franklin had many ideas that benefited the city of Philadelphia. Upon his request a tax was established to provide better watchmen. He also helped organize volunteer firefighters. Ben also proposed a lottery to help bring money into the city, and he chartered a university that is name after him today, called the University of Pennsylvania. Franklins print shop had made him a wealthy man, and in 1748 the success of the print shop had allowed Franklin to retire early. Franklin could now use his time to focus on his two other favorite things: science and politics. Soon after his retirement Franklin became extremely interested in experimenting with electricity. Franklin was one of the first people to suggest that lightning was merely naturally occurring electricity, and that it could be drawn from the clouds. In 1752, Ben Franklin performed his kite experiment. Here Franklin had his proof of lightnings electrical nature. Franklin wrote specifics on how the experiment was to be done, it said This kite is to be raised when a thunder-gust appears to be coming on, and the person who holds the string must stand within a door or window, or under some cover, so that the silk ribbon may not be wet; and care must be taken that the twine does not touch the frame of the door or window. As soon as any of the thunder-clouds come over the kite, the pointed wire will draw electric fire from them, and the kite, with all the twine, will be electrified, and the loose filaments of the twine will stand out every way, and be attracted by an approaching finger. And when the rain has wet the kite and twine, so that it can conduct the electric fire freely, you will find it stream out plentifully from the key on the approach of your knuckle. At this key the phial may be charged; and from electric fire thus obtained. (Amacher 141) This experiment is one that gave Ben Franklin international fame. This however is not the only scientific material that Franklin studied. He also studied weather, and storm patterns. Franklin also studied medicine. When one of his brothers was sick he invented the instrument known as the catheter. Franklin was not a one sided person, he studied all different subjects and helped pave the was for researchers today. Franklin was one of the most well respected people in his lifetime. Many people admired him for his well-rounded education, and his leadership abilities.

Monday, November 25, 2019

How to Write Effective Letters to Congress

How to Write Effective Letters to Congress People who think members of the U.S. Congress pay little or no attention to constituent mail are just plain wrong. Concise, well thought out personal letters are one of the most effective ways Americans have of influencing the lawmakers they elect.   Members of Congress get hundreds of letters and emails every day, so you will want your letter stand out. Whether you choose to use the U.S. Postal Service or email, here are some tips that will help you write a letter to Congress that has an impact. Think Locally Its usually best to send letters to the representative from your local congressional district or the senators from your state. Your vote helps elect them- or not- and that fact alone carries a lot of weight. It also helps personalize your letter. Sending the same cookie-cutter message to every member of Congress may grab attention but rarely much consideration. Its also a good idea to think about the effectiveness of all of your communication options. For instance, a face-to-face meeting at an event, town hall, or the representatives local office can often leave the biggest impression. That is not always an option though. Your next best bet for expressing your opinion is a formal letter, then a phone call to their office. While email is convenient and quick, it may not have the same influence as the other, more traditional, routes. Finding Your Legislators Address There are a few ways that you can find the addresses of all of your representatives in Congress. The U.S. Senate is easy because each state has two Senators. has an easy to navigate directory of all current Senators. You will find links to their website, their email and phone number, as well as the address to their office in Washington D.C. The House of Representatives is a little trickier because you need to search for the person representing your particular district within the state. The easiest way to do so is to type in your zip code under Find Your Representative at This will narrow down your options but you may need to refine it based on your physical address because zip codes and Congressional districts do not coincide. In both houses of Congress, the representatives official website will also have all the contact information you need. This includes the locations of their local offices. Keep Your Letter Simple Your letter will be more effective if you address a single topic or issue rather than a variety of issues you may feel passionate about. Typed, one-page letters are best. Many Political Action Committees (PACs)  recommend a three-paragraph letter structured like this: Say why you are writing and who you are. List your credentials and state that you are a constituent. It also doesnt hurt to mention if you voted for or donated to them. If you want a response, you must include your name and address, even when using email.Provide more detail. Be factual and not emotional. Provide specific rather than general information about how the topic affects you and others. If a certain bill is involved, cite the correct title or number whenever possible.Close by requesting the action you want to be taken. It might be a vote for or against a bill, a change in general policy, or some other action, but be specific. The best letters are courteous, to the point, and include specific supporting examples. Identifying Legislation Members of Congress have a lot of items on their agendas, so its best to be as specific as possible regarding your issue. When writing about a particular bill or piece of legislation, include the official number so they know exactly what youre referring to (it also helps your credibility). If you need help in finding the number of a bill, use the  Thomas Legislative Information System. Cite these  legislation  identifiers: House Bills:  H.R._____House Resolutions:  H.RES._____House Joint Resolutions:  H.J.RES._____Senate Bills:  S._____Senate Resolutions:  S.RES._____Senate Joint Resolutions:  S.J.RES._____ Addressing Members of Congress There is also a formal way to address members of Congress. Use these headers to begin your letter, filling in the appropriate name and addresses for your Congressperson. Also, its best to include the header in an email message. To Your Senator: The Honorable (full name)(room #) (name) Senate Office BuildingUnited States SenateWashington, DC 20510Dear Senator (last name): To Your Representative: The Honorable (full name)(room #) (name) House Office BuildingUnited States House of RepresentativesWashington, DC 20515Dear Representative (last name): Contact the U.S. Supreme Court The Justices of the U.S. Supreme Court do not have email addresses, but they do read letters from citizens. You can mail letters using the address found on the website. Key Things to Remember Here are some key things you should always and never do when writing to your elected representatives. Be courteous and respectful without gushing.Clearly and simply state the purpose of your letter. If its about a certain bill, identify it correctly.  Say who you are. Anonymous letters go nowhere. Even in email, include your correct name, address, phone number and email address. If you dont include at least your name and address, you will not get a response.State any professional credentials or personal experience you may have, especially those pertaining to the subject of your letter.Keep your letter short- one page is best.Use specific examples or evidence to support your position.State what it is you want to be done or recommend a course of action.Thank the member for taking the time to read your letter. What Not to Do Just because they represent the voters does not mean that members of Congress are subject to abuse or belittlement. As impassioned as you may be about an issue, your letter will be more effective if its written from a calm, logical perspective. If youre angry about something, write your letter then edit the next day to ensure youre conveying a courteous, professional tone. Also, make sure to avoid these pitfalls. Do not use vulgarity, profanity, or threats. The first two are just plain rude and the third one can get you a visit from the Secret Service. Simply stated, dont let your passion get in the way of making your point. Do not fail to include your name and address, even in email letters. Many representatives prioritize comments from their constituents and a letter in the mail may be the only way you receive a response. Do not demand a response. You may not get one no matter what and a demand is simply another rude gesture that does little for your case. Do not use boilerplate text. Many grassroots organizations will send out a prepared text to people interested in their issue, but try not to simply copy and paste this into your letter. Use it as a guide to help you make the point and write the letter in your own words with your personal perspective. Getting thousands of letters that say the exact same thing can diminish the impact.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Journal Entry Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Journal Entry - Coursework Example Every person can work according to their own talent and skills and hence, every person can work according to their interest. However, collaboration is still regarded as a team work. This is one of the things that I feel are most important for everyone to understand because this may be one of the biggest problems that one may face while working with new people. Since I have taken this course I have tried to implement all ways of collaboration I have learnt through this course. It really is helping me throughout. When I get into a group work I always recommend this kind of working which makes it easier for all of us to work. This course, not only told us ways to work in collaboration, but also told us examples where people are working in interdisciplinary collaboration. For example in films, everybody works in their own department. The actors are supposed to act, the choreographers are supposed to choreograph; the editors are supposed to edit and so on. During the whole process, nobody interrupts in any others work, hence a successful film. During this course we got many surprising visitors that gave us their experiences about working in collaboration and working according to others’ disciplines and their disciplines combine. They told us that they had their tasks done before time and perfectly. They also shared with us how they kept on a smooth and friendly environment throughout. This was probably one of the biggest inspirations that my fellow mates and I got. Throughout, this course has offered me a lot to study about further. I personally got the curiosity in me that have lead me to do further research on interdisciplinary and collaboration work. I personally think that this course has helped me and it will help me in the upcoming years. This course has most definitely helped me during my group projects that I have worked on with people I know and people I don’t know. I was surprised how my ideas worked out well

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Exhibition Design Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Exhibition Design - Coursework Example At some points, the ants converge revealing the exact natural behavior of the ants while travelling or in search for food in their natural habitat. There is selection of natural lighting, use of white color for background and black color for the ants that presents a lovable piece of work. The audience gets the mouthwatering appreciation of the long streak of the path taken by the ants and the meandering path taken is the ants are excellently natural. The room equally presents consistent lighting scenario. The lighting presents a scene where all the edges are darker as compared to the inner sections of the wall. The selective lighting creates brighter, popping out the section of the arts while neglecting edges and thus presents a sense of a bigger space in the room. Labeling process for the arts is undertaken at collected points with few words elaborating of source of the art. The labeling is undertaken at a common point. While some arts can appear useless but after reading the attached label on it that the audience appreciates it. All labeling are undertaken are concentrated at certain selected points. The labeling entailed present some materials and arts to be sourced from Ivory coast which also proceeds to highlight on the original application of the communicated art message. Floors are either brown or darks

Monday, November 18, 2019

English101 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

English101 - Essay Example You meet this type of friends in school, gym or while travelling. You might also not remember how they look like once you not meet them for a short period of time. This type of friends will not have much of an impact on your life. You do not miss them when they are away from you. You generally do not object their company and will like to have a cup of tea or coffee with them. But if you are in the midst of some work you don’t mind parting with their company. One may know this type of friends throughout their school career, but they might never talk to each other outside their school. These friends are nice to talk to but you never intend to have anything more relationship with them. You just talk with them and then go on your merry way. You talk with them on common topics like hobbies or classes. And you don’t talk with them about your personal life. These types of friends may also irritate you the most. As you think that you are supposed to behave in a friendly manner with them you may not point out some of their bad habits such as taping the fingers on a table or chewing gum loudly. A guest friend is also known as a former friend. These are the friends who grew up with you in your neighbourhood and then moved away. These are the friends with whom you spend much of a time of your childhood. These friends form a major part of your enjoyment during the childhood days. You would love their company any time. These friends will bring memories about your childhood days. You might get embarrassed on first seeing these friends. But as the conversation starts between you, you seem to love it and will like to spend more amount of time with them. You may miss them once in a blue moon when somebody makes you to realise that you are adult and you cannot behave in a manner you used to behave during your childhood days. You would always like to meet these types of friends and they are closer to you than the pest friends. The relationship between you is

Friday, November 15, 2019

Defining And Analysing Personhood

Defining And Analysing Personhood Person hood has always been an ill-defined term. The gray area between animal and person being one targeted and argued over since its original conception. It all seemed to begin with a proposition by John Locke, which constitutes that the rules governing personhood are: a thinking intelligent being, that has reason and reflection, and can consider itself as itself, the same thinking thing, in different times and places; which it does only by that consciousness which is inseparable from thinking.(MHR, p. 134) Then many philosophers began to develop, and retake Lockes definition and make it their own. Though, all of these people seemed to follow suite that the gray areas border lays upon the idea of our mind, our thoughts, and our memory. However, one person seems to completely disagree with the tradition Locke notions of personhood. Paul Snowdon is instead a member of the animalist belief. This belief is seemingly more straightforward when compared to Lockes ideas, as rather than putting its focus on the continuity of the mind; instead he believes it is the continuity of the body that defines one person now, as the same person later. Snowdon figured that if one tried to define the separation between the person and then animal in all of us, a grave issue would unfold. This is due to the ideas of one being able to separate the animal from the person, for if this idea is to happen, then one must also define the mental capability of the animal within the person. This is seemingly impossible. Thus the animalist believes that we are all organisms, and rather than create an identity separation between animals and persons, rather we are all animals on a scale of being. This idea has a very small following when compared to Lockes theory; however, there are still a few philosophers that disagree with Lockes rules and have come up with their own definition for personhood. Still many of these theories have disagreements with Snowdons principles, but there are a few I believe Snowdon has many agreements with. The one I think Snowdon would agree with the most is Annette Baier. Her ideas on personhood are against the principles of Locke, moreover statements show her disagreement with not only Locke, but many philosopher representing theories similar in Lockes belief Baier says that person tests too often reflect the narrow values of those who design them. (MHR, p.135). Both philosophers agree in their disagreement with Locke. Snowdon believes that one cannot decompose a person into a person and an animal without deficient results; likewise Baier believes that, due to person tests being set-up to reflect human nature, often philosophers put too much focus on the mental aspect of the creature, in many cases over the social interactions. Snowdons idea that separating a person into two is closely related with Baiers theory in that, they both represent the idea that animals and persons are one and the same, that it is only our human hierarchal needs that seemingly force us into the thought process that there must be a defining barrier between us, and the rest of creature kind. Furthermore, Baier says the emphasis of the tests on the cognitive conditions of personhood seems to imply that people can float free of their own history, dependency, mortality, and biology. (MHR, p. 135) all of these ideas she disagrees with. Snowdon would also surely disagree with all of these ideas, as he spoke of the impossible reasoning behind the transplanting of ones brain, not from a scientific viewpoint but from a theoretical one. Thus both philosophers agree in their own disagreements with the modern system of defining personhood. Finally, Baier decided to create her own naturalist view, of persons as embodied, interpersonally responsive, and dependent creatures. (MHR, p. 135) Though her view does not completely discredit the idea of persons, it does share many of its merits with Snowdons principles, whilst expanding his ideas to encompass a new form of personhood. For instance, with the mention of persons as embodied à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ creatures she is showing a similar opinion to that of Snowdons. The belief in that the continuity of our very bodies is a quite important aspect in the continuity of ourselves. One may also infer from her statements, that she believes it impossible to separate the person from the animal. That shows another level of agreement with Snowdons reasoning. With all this research on other philosophers ideas on personhood, it seems impossible to have not developed a theory of my own. However, my theory is more based upon the underlying structure philosophers should be forced to realise before arguing their ideas of personhood, rather than my own opinion on the matter. It seems that the consistent underlying structure among all these theories is based on separate classes of personhood, and what answers these classes wish to define. It seems though that most philosophers ignore these separate classes, and end up arguing that one theory holds illogical reasoning, even though this reasoning only seems illogical due to the theory attempting to solve an entirely different problem from their own. It seems that all this began due to Lockes overly generalised theory; he covered the classes of identity tests, person continuity, as well as ethical standings. Whereas realistically all these issues should be dealt with separately. The classes of personhood as I see them are answers to the following questions. What separates me now from me then? What separates me from an animal? When does personhood begin? (These are only a few personhood questions, however they seem to make up the common definitions, and would well enough for an example of my theory.) Now the real issue is that these questions are often attempted to be answered with the same solution, even though these questions have very different ethical backgrounds. One attempts to develop a way of making identity checks, whereas another tries to define a hierarchy of the species, finally one is trying to define when life begins. As an example of the confusion this error can often cause I will examine Lockes definition. a thinking intelligent being, that has reason and reflection, and can consider itself as itself, the same thinking thing, in different times and places; which it does only by that consciousness which is inseparable from thinking.(MHR, p. 134) He tries to solve the identity check question with the same thinking thing, in different times and places, or as discussed on Philosophy Bites, the memories of past events in ones life. However, he also tries to produce a solution to the problem of, what separates me from an animal? in saying a thinking intelligent being, that has reason and reflection, and can consider itself as itself. Thus even in Snowdons very own argument, many of his reasons are flawed, do to comparing one question to another. It is my belief that each of the questions should be answered separately, rather than trying to develop a solution that fails in answering all of them at once.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Up The Down Staircase :: essays research papers

Up the Down Staircase   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  By Bel Kaufman The main character of this book is Sylvia Barret she is a recent college graduate, and works as a high school English teacher. Sylvia would like to work in a nice private school, like so many of her friends. Instead Sylvia takes a job with the board of education, in a nieve attempt to reach out to the under privileged inner-city children in public schools. Sylvia battles with so many choices in this book. In the end she makes the right ones. Another character that is important to this book is James J. Mchabe. He signs his name with Adm. Asst. (administrative assistant). Sylvia calls him â€Å"Admiral Ass† because he is always looking over her shoulder. It seems like Mr.Mchabe’s only propose in life is to bother Sylvia and the other teachers. The admiral always seems to find something wrong with the manor the teachers run their classes in.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Bea Schachter is another teacher at Calvin Colidge High School. Bea has been a teacher at Calvin Coolidge for a very long time and she automatically makes Sylvia her friend. Bea shows Sylvia the ropes; what to do, what not to do, where to go, where not to go. That kind of stuff. Bea is a good teacher, and a good friend to Sylvia. One of Sylvia's students is Joe Ferone. Joe is a rebel and a hoodlum. Joe barely ever comes to class. Sylvia really wants to help Joe. Sylvia tries to schedule after school sessions with Joe, but he never shows up. Towards the end of the story I get the feeling Sylvia was starting to fall in love with him. This story takes place in a New York City school in Manhattan, in the nineteen- sixties. The book covers the span of one school semester form September to February. Sylvia Barret, a new teacher is starting her first day in room 304. She finds out that teaching isn’t all that she thought it would be. Her first friend is Bea a veteran teacher who helps Sylvia out by explaining how Calvin Coolidge high works. The writer takes all the craziness of a normal high school and embellishes them; for instance the school guidance counselor is always using big words and thinks all the students need help. And Mr. Mchabe the administrative assistant who is nosy about everything. The Janitor who is never available.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Existentialism: American Beauty

Existentialism: American Beauty American Beauty is a movie that sets in suburban America. The story is about Lester, whom is a middle-aged writer working in a magazine company. He was having a midlife crisis where he felt lonely and numbed by continuous unchanging routine of his everyday life. In the movie, his wife portrayed as a successful real estate agent, but she was also going through her own midlife crisis in both her career and personal life. Lester’s daughter, Jane Bumham had alienated her parents and was going through puberty.They have a new neighbor who is a U. S. Marine Corps Colonel Frank Fitts, and he has a son, Ricky Fitts, who is a drug dealer. Lester was going to get fired from his company that he had worked for fourteen year. Lester managed to cut a deal by threatening the manager to give him a year’s worth of salary or else he would distribute the gossip news, which would sabotage the company. One day, he and his wife went to see their daughterâ€℠¢s cheerleading dance and during the performance Lester saw Jane’s friend Angela Hayes. He then starts having fantasies of her.On the other hand, his wife was also having an affair with a successful colleague. Disregarding his wife’s life, Lester started to make changes in his life after hearing Angela complimented him and suggested that if he worked out, she would like him even more. Therefore, he started working out after being fired from his job, and got a new job at a fast food restaurant. During work, he found that his wife was having an affair and he asked her for a divorce. On the other hand, the marine corporal, Frank, has trust issues with his son, since Ricky had a history of using drugs (smoking weed).One day, Frank starts to get suspicious about Ricky’s actions. Then when Lester called Ricky to get more marijuana, Frank saw them getting together in a room. He thought that they were sexually involved. In reality, they were just smoking weed. When Rick y went home, Frank abused him and mistakenly believed that he was homosexual, which caused him to kick Ricky out of the house. So Ricky decided to ask Jane to runaway with him to New York. At the same time, when Lester and Angela was getting intimate with each other, she suddenly confessed that she was a virgin.Lester realized that he shouldn’t be taking advantage of her and Angela started crying, so he comforted her. After the incident, both of them bonded and shared their problems. On the last scene of the movie, it showed Lester holding an old picture of his family reminiscing the past then Frank suddenly showed up with a gun and shot him. The movie, American Beauty, portrayed many existential themes from philosophers like Franz Kafka, Friedrich Nietzsche, and Jean-Paul Sartre. In the beginning of the movie, Lester indicates he lived like a dead man.He goes through the same routine everyday, which is similar to Franz Kafka’s character Gregor Samsa in the short story â€Å"Metamorphosis†. Before Gregor’s transformation into a metamorphosis, he was a salesman for a long period of time where he felt that had lost his character, goals and even estranged himself from his family. Lester and Gregor have committed themselves to the society, which caused them to be alienated by their families. In the beginning of the movie, Lester’s daughter critiqued her father as a â€Å"loser† and his wife also looked down on him.Gregor had similar situations, he was also alienated because his job required him to travel, and therefore, he couldn’t spend time with his family. According to Kafka, one has to go through alienation because that awakens us to blossom into a new life. He believes that an individual have to balance themselves between individuality and society. Even though Gregor’s transformation gave him a new life, it was too late for him to live for himself. On the other hand, Lester was lucky enough to experience the change when he heard Angela’s suggestion to get fit.This tip encouraged Lester to adjust his dull and melancholy life. He starts working out and live for himself, instead of living up to other people’s standards. Kafka’s view of existentialism is that an individual has the responsibility to find balance between leisure and work. Lester’s character has some similarities as Kafka’s life. Kafka was employed at an insurance company, where he had experienced the suffering from working in the dull cubical office. He used writing as a way to escape from the tedious life he had, and it was the only method that could explore his creativeness.Even though Kafka was not an existentialist, his writing depicted many existential themes and shared similar thoughts with other philosopher like Friedrich Nietzsche. Friedrich Nietzsche is a philosopher in the late 18th century. He has a great impact towards existentialism. His existential theme is about individua lity and constructing identity. Through his book called Gay Science, Nietzsche indicated that there were more liberation and freedom after religious wars and persecution ended. He believed that people were getting detached with religion.Even though the movie â€Å"American Beauty† did not have any religious related themes, it still portrayed the theme of liberation. It was freedom that saved Lester from being drowned by his miserable life, especially when he was being disregarded by his wife and alienated from his daughter. In addition, in the end of the movie, Ricky Fitts, the neighbor’s son was released from his father because of a misunderstanding. He was trapped under his abusive father’s rules and control. When Ricky was living under his father, he was like the â€Å"last man† in Nietzsche’s short story: Thus Spoke Zarathustra.The â€Å"last man† lacks passion and has no drive: â€Å" †¦ they do not like to hear the world ‘c ontempt’ applied to them. Let me then address their pride. Let me speak of them of what is the most contemptible; but that is the last man† (Soloman, 73). Lester also has similar characteristics of the â€Å"last man†. Before his transformation, he even confessed that he was living a life of a â€Å"dead man†. Nietzsche saw the â€Å"last man† among the middle class and he was afraid that they would be suffocated by the dreadful office space. This greatly relates to Lester’s working environment and the suburban area where he lived.Everyday felt like yesterday, nothing changes. There is no creativity or passion in Lester’s life and Nietzsche believed that people should be pushed and encouraged to break the cycle. Lester’s transformation speaks of Nietzsche’s existentialist theme: â€Å"we philosophers and ‘free spirits’ fell, when we hear the news that ‘the old god is dead. ’ As if a new dawn sho ne on us†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (68). The â€Å"new dawn† that Nietzsche mentions in his book have similar portrayal in the movie, which is Lester’s transformation of his new life. From a miserable and coward person, Lester changed into a new courageous and free spirited individual.He was able to confront his wife and make his own decisions without being afraid of her looking down on him: â€Å"It's a great thing when you realize you still have the ability to surprise yourself. Makes you wonder what else you can do that you've forgotten about† (American Beauty). Overall, Nietzsche’s theme reveals that people have the ability to make their own decision and put their destiny into their own hands just like what Lester did with his life. Similar to Kafka and Nietzsche, Jean-Paul Sartre also emphasized the importance of individuality.He believes that â€Å"existence comes before essence,† people creates their own destiny and it is not God that controls our fate (206). He also explained that human nature did not emerge because God created us. Sartre did not believe in God; therefore, he believed human created the existence of human nature, like how Lester altered his life. Sartre also indicated that individuals should take responsibility towards their actions. Lester broke away from the society and left his past life to construct a new character without other people to disapprove his decisions.However, he also threw away all the responsibility as a father and husband. Lester quit his job and got a lower salary job, which left his wife in charge of the mortgage. Even before the transformation, the relationship between Lester and his daughter drifted apart causing them to ignore each other. He failed to take a responsibility as a father and nurture his child instead he tried to flirt with his child’s friend. From Sartre’s book Existentialism is a Humanism, he wrote: â€Å"Our responsibility is thus much greater than we had supp osed, for it concerns mankind as a whole† (208).He believed that an individual’s action could have a huge impact on others, just like how the neighbor, Colonel Frank Fitts killed Lester at the end of the movie. Frank has to live carry that guilt forever. It was his decision to kill and therefore it would be his responsibility to accept the blame. However the movie did not indicate what consequences Frank will be facing, or what kind of responsibility he will get after the murder. The director leaves the decision to the audience to decide what his fate is going to be. Lester did mess up his family and take no responsibility during his physical and mental transformation.In the end of the movie, when Angela, his daughter’s friend, told him that she was a virgin, he realized that he could not take advantage of her. This message reminded him that she was just a teenager that needed attention. He took a parental responsibility by comforting her and explored her frustra tions, which applied to Sartre’s theme of taking responsibility while making alternations in life. Through out the movie, American Beauty, it has exposed many existential themes that connected to multiple philosophers including Franz Kafka, Friedrich Nietzsche, and Jean-Paul Sartre.All of them emphasized the importance of individuality, passion and creativity, which was depicted in the movie, especially on the main character, Lester. He altered his life and cured his mid-life crisis. It was through existentialism where he was released from the trap of society and the controlled environment. In the end of the movie, every character found an answer towards the purpose of life. Even though Lester’s life ended getting shot in the head, he was actually happier than he was before and managed to live the life he wanted. Reference Solomon, Robert C. Existentialism. 2nd. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2005. Print.

Friday, November 8, 2019

A good crime drama Essays

A good crime drama Essays A good crime drama Essay A good crime drama Essay When they go to their room Holmes stays awake silent and motionless, rearranging his thoughts about the case, hoping he can spot any clues that he has not already come across. Watson seems to be more relaxed and goes to sleep. The next morning Holmes wakes Watson with a question, Game for a morning drive? This made me feel very excited because he gave me a sense of adventure as he may have come up with a hunch that might be the solution of the case. Holmes and Watson set off, on another journey that Watson seems to know nothing about, and they end up at the prison where Hugh Boone was being kept. As they were entering the cell Holmes humorously states, Hes a beauty, isnt he? Holmes then peels back the hideous face off this man and then he awoke to find Holmes stood over him with a mask in his hand. Doyle uses very effective ways to describe the image of this man without his mask, which in my opinion gives a very vivid view of how this man really looks. He uses words like, refined, and smooth-skinned, which I think are good words to use because the other face had a nasty scar, so it probably gives the reader a reminder of that. The endings that Doyle has used in these stories are rather unique and they are very similar to those in the modern day crime dramas, which makes me think that Doyle was probably the one who invented those types of endings and they have been carried on in dramas ever since then as they are so popular and seem to make quite an impact on people who watch or read these stories. In the end of this story Holmes reveals his technique to finding the answer to this investigation without giving too much away, which in my opinion makes a really good impact because it may make the reader feel like they want to hear more as this extract shows: I reached this one by sitting upon five pillows and consuming an ounce of shag. I think, Watson, that if we drive to Bakers Street we shall just be in time for breakfast. The Final Problem was probably one of the most effective stories in that time in history because it is when Doyle tried to kill off Holmes and the readers were horrified. This story starts off with Watson writing a journal about the events that happened between Holmes and Professor Moriarty before they fell off the cliff. This story seems to give quite a different light to Holmes as you may be able to see in this extract when Watson states, You are afraid of something? And Holmes answers, Well, I am. Holmes usually seems confident and in this story he seems to be scared of something. Even Watson sees a difference in his behaviour as this quotation shows: There was something strange in all this. It was not Holmess nature to take an aimless holiday. Holmes asks Watson to accompany him on a trip and goes on to tell him about the story of Professor Moriarty. Holmes describes him as being a man of good birth and excellent education, so he seems to be a very intelligent man, but a man who uses his education to do criminal things. Holmes seems really worried as this is probably the most superior criminal mind he has ever had to face and he is not just worried for himself, he is also worried for the people of London. We can see this from the following extract: I could not sit quietly in my chair, if I thought that such a man as Professor Moriarty were walking the streets of London unchallenged. Holmes seems to be overwhelmed by the intelligence of this man as he uses his mind and skills to be very dangerous. He used to be a professor, but he had a criminal strain that ran in his blood, which was probably the cause of his behaviour. He also has cunningly devised safeguards so he doesnt get caught. Holmes gives Watson instructions for the next morning so they could meet on the way to Newhaven. They met on the train, merely escaping Moriartys gang members. When they arrived Holmes got a telegraph from the London police informing him that Moriarty had escaped as they had secured the rest of the gang with exemption of him. Holmes is aware that he maybe in danger as he advises Watson to return to England because he may find him a dangerous companion. Later after Holmes has received the telegraph, he and Watson have a conversation that seems as though Holmes maybe giving up as he explains his past career in this extract: The air of London is the sweeter for my presence. In over a thousand cases I am not aware that I have ever used my powers upon the wrong side. In my opinion this seems quite sad because Holmes seems to be looking back on his career as though it is coming to an end, so this may give the reader a clue to what is about to occur. Also the use of the word power in this quotation, I think, is quite effective because it makes me see Holmes in a different light. As though he is someone superior than others. He describes Moriarty as the most capable criminal in Europe and that after he has caught him he doesnt feel the need to pursue his career any further. As Holmes and Watson made their way along a hill to the hotel they were approached by a young boy who gave them a letter addressed to Watson by the landlord explaining that there was a lady at the hotel who had suffered from a haemorrhage and needed the assistance of an English doctor. Watson was unsure of leaving Holmes, but had to assist this woman. Watson then explains the last he saw of Holmes as you can clearly see in the following extract: I saw Holmes, with his back against a rock and his arms folded, gazing down at the rush of the waters. It was the last that I was ever destined to see of him in this world. This would probably leave the reader weeping as it is now revealed that Holmes is going to die! Watson then arrives at the hotel to find that there is no sick Englishwoman, so he realises what has really happened. He then rushed to Holmes rescue, but was too late and found a letter addressed to him from Holmes. Before the letter is read Conan Doyle uses a great technique to get the readers attention, which was asking questions such as And then what happened? Who was to tell us what happened then? This created quite an impact on me because it made me feel as though I had been put on the spot and really had to think what did really happen? It intrigued me so I wanted to read on to see if these questions were going to be answered. The letter explained that he has now come into contact with Moriarty and has been able to free society from any further effects of his presence. It seems to me that Conan Doyle has written this very carefully to make sure that not too much is being given away as he may be trying to keep the mystery in the story so it leaves the reader wondering. The Empty House is the next story, which brings Holmes back. Conan Doyle probably found an easy way to bring Holmes back into his stories since he had left so much mystery in The Final Problem. In this story Holmes comes back and explains to Watson what really happened to him. When Holmes enters the story Watson amazement is clearly seen when he cries Holmes! Is it really you? I would describe Conan Doyles description of Holmes as very vivid and imaginative as you may be able to see in the following extract: Holmes looked even thinner and keener than of old, but there was a dead-white tinge in his aquiline face. Doyles use of words in this quotation interested me greatly. When he used the words aquiline face and white tinge it made me question myself, where has he been? What has he been doing? I think he uses a great technique for creating curiosity in the readers mind, which is probably another way to keep his readers interested. Holmes goes on to tell Watson that he had thrown Professor Moriarty off the cliff and saved himself, but some of Moriartys thugs had seen him and now are trying to kill him. I think this is a great storyline because the readers are probably curious to know how he is going to get away from them. This leads Holmes and Watson to the empty house where they hide while waiting for the criminals to attack! Holmes had left a dummy in the window of Holmes office in the shape of himself to attract them. Then a man, described to have a high, bald forehead, and a huge grizzled moustache. His eyes shone like stars as he was staring out of the window aiming his gun at the dummy. When the glass was broken by a shot, Holmes sprang like a tiger and grabbed the man and threw him on the floor where, quite unbelievably, the man got an upper hand on Holmes and Watson hit him over the head with his rifle. I think Doyle has staged this outcome of the attack purposely to put Watson in the limelight to remind the reader of Holmes and Watsons companionship. and once again Mr Sherlock Holmes is free to devote his life to examining those interesting little problems which complex the life of London so plentifully present. This quotation from the end paragraph, in my opinion, leaves a great relief for the reader because it states that Holmes is carrying on his career. It would have probably appealed more so to the readers in Victorian England because they didnt have much entertainment at all and showed a great fascination in the Sherlock Holmes stories. I think another way Conan Doyle keeps the audience interested is by using great techniques to sustain the tension, which may keep the reader anxious while relieving them at the same time such as when he starts to explain the setting in great detail, which also intrigued me because it gives a good idea of what is happening around the characters, as you may see in the following extract: I found the latch and made my way into a long, low room, thick and heavy with brown opium smoke, and terraced with wooden berths, like the forecastle of an emigrant ship. I think the simile he has used in this quotation is very imaginative and he gives me a good understanding of what the room is like. I also found in each of these stories, that Watson seems to be narrating them, which I found quite strange because I thought that Holmes would more than likely be telling the story, but then I thought Doyle may be using Watson to give the reader a full view of Holmes himself from another persons perspective. Conan Doyle always wrote crime stories. This was probably because they were so popular and caught the publics attention so vividly. I think that some of the reasons why these stories are so popular are because they are short stories so they are more accessible to the reader and dont make them feel as though they have to read a whole book. Also the language doesnt seem difficult, so the reader would probably not have any problems understanding it. In Victorian England the art of conversation was somewhat different to our modern day society. People of that time in history would not have used slang or colloquialism, so the form of these stories is Standard English. These stories are also very descriptive and have strong characters, which I think, help to intrigue and sustain the readers attention, even in modern day society people still enjoy a good crime drama, which is shown because of all the different movies and programs such as, Columbo and Inspector Morse. I found these stories quite easy to read. I have personally enjoyed reading these stories and I can see why they are so popular and I think they will probably be very enjoyable in years to come. All of these stories have a little mystery in them and I think that is one of the main qualities that are needed for a good crime drama because it makes them interesting and I personally love mystery in a story.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

How to Conduct Market Research

How to Conduct Market Research Free Online Research Papers How to Conduct Market Research Definition: Marketing research is the systematic and objective identification, collection, analysis, and dissemination of information for the purpose of assisting management in decision making related to the identification and solution of problems and opportunities in marketing. Research carried out in order to understand customer/consumer interest in a particular product or service. Marketing research, or market research, is a form of business research and is generally divided into two categories: consumer market research; Consumer marketing research studies the buying habits of individual people Business-to-business (B2B) market research, which was previously known as industrial marketing research; it investigates the markets for products sold by one business to another. Importance Marketing research provides information regarding consumer needs to the marketing managers, so that they can be able to implement marketing strategies and programs intended to satisfy those needs. Marketing research enables a firm to spot and identify the size of potential markets that are abroad. This therefore enables the firm to export the right amount of its products: not so much and at the same time not so little. This increases the chances of a firm succeeding in international markets. With respect to existing products in the market, marketing research enables a company to know if it has been able to satisfy customer needs and whether any changes regarding the product are necessary. Steps in Market research 1. Defining market problems 2. Set objectives, budget and timetables 3. Select research types, methods and techniques 4. Design research instruments 5. Collect data 6. Organize and analyze data 7. Presentation and reporting of findings 1. Defining market problems: The first step is being able to identify and define the problems and opportunities ahead. The issue will likely be recognized by one or more management Examples of problems might be poor company image, lack of awareness of the company and its products or services or even a bad reputation of the company. 2. Set objectives, budget and timetables: This involves being able to come up with a defined set of objectives that have been based on facts collected in the previous step. It also entails being able to determine the amount of resources that would be needed for the market research and a comprehensive, reasonable time frame for the whole research process. 3. Select research types, methods and techniques: This step Involves choosing between two types of research schemes i.e. primary research or secondary research. Primary research is based on information that had not existed before i.e. original information, whereas secondary research involves the usage of already existing information. Secondary research is faster and less expensive. These methods and techniques may include Based on questioning: ââ€" ª Qualitative marketing research generally used for exploratory purposes small number of respondents not standardized to the whole population statistical significance and confidence not calculated examples include focus groups, in-depth interviews, and projective techniques ââ€" ª Quantitative marketing research generally used to draw conclusions tests a specific hypothesis uses random sampling techniques so as to infer from the sample to the population involves a large number of respondents examples include surveys and questionnaires. Techniques include choice modeling, maximum difference preference scaling, and covariance analysis. Based on observations: ââ€" ª Ethnographic studies -, by nature qualitative, the researcher observes social phenomena in their natural setting observations can occur cross-sectionally (observations made at one time) or longitudinally (observations occur over several time-periods) examples include product-use analysis and computer cookie traces. See also Ethnography and Observational techniques. ââ€" ª Experimental techniques , by nature quantitative, the researcher creates a quasi-artificial environment to try to control spurious factors, then manipulates at least one of the variables examples include purchase laboratories and test markets Marketing research techniques come in many forms, including: ââ€" ª Ad Tracking periodic or continuous in-market research to monitor a brand’s performance using measures such as brand awareness, brand preference, and product usage. (Young, 2005) ââ€" ª Advertising Research used to predict copy testing or track the efficacy of advertisements for any medium, measured by the ad’s ability to get attention, communicate the message, build the brand’s image, and motivate the consumer to purchase the product or service. (Young, 2005) ââ€" ª Brand equity research how favorably do consumers view the brand? ââ€" ª Brand name testing what do consumers feel about the names of the products? ââ€" ª Commercial eye tracking research examine advertisements, package designs, websites, etc by analyzing visual behavior of the consumer ââ€" ª Concept testing to test the acceptance of a concept by target consumers ââ€" ª Coolhunting to make observations and predictions in changes of new or existing cultural trends in areas such as fashion, music, films, television, youth culture and lifestyle ââ€" ª Buyer decision processes research to determine what motivates people to buy and what decision-making process they use ââ€" ª Copy testing predicts in-market performance of an ad before it airs by analyzing audience levels of attention, brand linkage, motivation, entertainment, and communication, as well as breaking down the ad’s flow of attention and flow of emotion. (Young, p 213) ââ€" ª Customer satisfaction research quantitative or qualitative studies that yields an understanding of a customers of satisfaction with a product or service. ââ€" ª Demand estimation to determine the approximate level of demand for the product ââ€" ª Distribution channel audits to assess distributors’ and retailers’ attitudes toward a product, brand, or company ââ€" ª Internet strategic intelligence searching for customer opinions in the Internet: chats, forums, web pages, blogs where people express freely about their experiences with products, becoming strong opinion formers ââ€" ª Marketing effectiveness and analytics Building models and measuring results to determine the effectiveness of individual marketing activities. ââ€" ª Mystery Consumer or Mystery shopping An employee or representative of the market research firm anonymously contacts a salesperson and indicates he or she is shopping for a product. The shopper then records the entire experience. This method is often used for quality control or for researching competitors products. ââ€" ª Positioning research how does the target market see the brand relative to competitors? What does the brand stand for? ââ€" ª Price elasticity testing to determine how sensitive customers are to price changes ââ€" ª Sales forecasting to determine the expected level of sales given the level of demand. With respect to other factors like Advertising expenditure, sales promotion etc. ââ€" ª Segmentation research to determine the demographic, psychographic, and behavioural characteristics of potential buyers ââ€" ª Online panel a group of individual who accepted to respond to marketing research online ââ€" ª Store audit to measure the sales of a product or product line at a statistically selected store sample in order to determine market share, or to determine whether a retail store provides adequate service ââ€" ª Test marketing a small-scale product launch used to determine the likely acceptance of the product when it is introduced into a wider market ââ€" ª Viral Marketing Research refers to marketing research designed to estimate the probability that specific communications will be transmitted throughout an individual’s Social Network. Estimates of Social Networking Potential (SNP) are combined with estimates of selling effectiveness to estimate ROI on specific combinations of messages and media. 4. Design research instruments: A basic type of a research instrument is a questionnaire. A good market research questionnaire should be kept simple, beginning with general questions and moving towards more specific questions. 5. Collect data: Collection of data is an important activity and should be done by experienced researchers. In most cases untrained researchers may be biased towards interviewers. Common data collection methods include computer assisted telephone interviewing, mail surveys, internet surveys and the like. 6. Organize and analyze data: Analysis of data includes the editing, coding and tabulation of the responses. This is normally done with the help of office suite tools or specific research analysis programs. 7. Presentation and reporting if findings: Once the information has been analyzed, it should be presented in an organized manner to the business decision makers especially in the sales and marketing departments. All of these forms of marketing research can be classified as either problem-identification research or as problem-solving research. A company collects primary research by gathering original data. Secondary research is conducted on data published previously and usually by someone else. Secondary research costs far less than primary research, but seldom comes in a form that exactly meets the needs of the researcher. A similar distinction exists between exploratory research and conclusive research. Exploratory research provides insights into and comprehension of an issue or situation. It should draw definitive conclusions only with extreme caution. Conclusive research draws conclusions: the results of the study can be generalized to the whole population. Exploratory research is conducted to explore a problem to get some basic idea about the solution at the preliminary stages of research. It may serve as the input to conclusive research. Exploratory research information is collected by focus group interviews, reviewing literature or books, discussing with experts, etc. This is unstructured and qualitative in nature. If a secondary source of data is unable to serve the purpose, a convenience sample of small size can be collected. Conclusive research is conducted to draw some conclusion about the problem. It is essentially, structured and quantitative research, and the output of this research is the input to management information systems (MIS). REFERENCES: (2008). Retrieved 2008, from Wikipedia: research Etzel/Walker/stanton. (2007). Marketing (14th ed.). New York: Mcgraw-Hill Irwin. Kress, G. (1988). Mraketing research . New Jersey: Preita hall. McNeil, R. (1998). Business to business market research. London: kogan page ltd. Research Papers on How to Conduct Market ResearchAnalysis of Ebay Expanding into AsiaResearch Process Part OneInfluences of Socio-Economic Status of Married MalesThe Project Managment Office SystemOpen Architechture a white paperIncorporating Risk and Uncertainty Factor in CapitalBionic Assembly System: A New Concept of SelfDefinition of Export QuotasMarketing of Lifeboy Soap A Unilever ProductMoral and Ethical Issues in Hiring New Employees

Monday, November 4, 2019

Describe a place in which you are both familiar and interested Essay

Describe a place in which you are both familiar and interested - Essay Example Shah Jahan loved his wife Mumtaj Mahal so much, but was grief-stricken at her death during child birth. He wanted to keep her memory alive till eternity and so built the beautiful Taj which stands as India’s pride attracting tourists from far and near to revel in its beauty. The exotic Taj is situated in the lush green plains of Agra, behind which runs the sacred river Yamuna. It is made of huge slabs of creamy white marble and is studded with thousands of semi-precious stones. The pathway leading up to the monument is flanked by tall palm trees which act as a border to a moat of crystal clear water spurted out from dancing fountains. It has an impressive circular dome with four minarets, one in each corner. The structure is so impressive that it makes the beholder stare at it in awe before making an entrance. The arched entrance has a huge and heavily crafted wooden door with shiny brass door-knobs. It leads into a massive hall filled with archways and has a high ceiling which is intricately carved with patterns of flowering plants that adorn it, enhancing its magnificence. Right in the centre of the hall are the cold marble tombs of Shah Jahan and his beloved wife Mumtaj Mahal that are covered with floral patterns and embellished with precious stones which are a deep blue. An Octagonal screen made from perforated marble called â€Å"Jalis† form the border surrounding the two cenotaphs in the centre chamber. Each of these Jalis was carved with intricate and exquisite designs from a single slab of marble and allows not only air to circulate but also sunlight which scatters beautiful patterns over the cenotaphs. The eight faces of the jalis are decorated with flowering plants like lilies and poppies intrinsically embedded with colorful gemstones such as agate, sandstone and carnelian. From the centre of the dome, above the cenotaphs in the mausoleum, hangs a beautifully

Friday, November 1, 2019

Business law Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Business law - Case Study Example 6 (d)Was the appeal decision ‘fair and equitable’ to the chicken growers in light of the dynamic commercial relations existing between the parties? 7 Question2 8 Overview of the Case 8 Common Law 9 Equitable Remedies 10 Specific performance in Equity 11 Common Law ‘Exceptions’ to the ‘Privity of Contract’ 11 Question 3 14 Overview of the Case 14 Civil Liability Act 2003 (Qld) and Its Common Features 15 Professional Liability associated with Dr Zola towards Rubicon Holding Ltd 16 References 18 Question 1 (a) Provide a short account of the commercial background of the case, and key aspects/clauses of the standardized contract in dispute between the parties. The Federal Court of Australia issued its judgement in the case of Steggles Limited v Yarrabee Chicken Company Pty Ltd [2012] FCAFC 91 under the Federal Court of Australia Act 1976 (Cth) of contractual dispute. The joint judgement made by Jacobson, Lander and Foster JJ,  agreed that appeal sh ould be duly allowed to Yarrabee (applicant) as against Steggles (plaintiff). In 2004, Yarrabee Chicken Company Pty Ltd was reputed as one of the chicken growers in the Hunter Valley, which had arrived into a contract with Steggles Limited. The contract was in the same form to all other growers including Yarrabee Chicken Company which included Growers to grow chickens with the application of tunnel growing methods. On the grounds of breach of contract, Yarrabee filed proceedings against Steggles under Part IVA of the Federal Court of Australia Act 1976 (Cth) suing Steggles with respect to the confusion raised from a particular contractual term of â€Å"extra Shed capacity† which could have implied the assistance to be rendered by Steggles in terms of increased physical capacity to grow more birds or through the facility of growing extra number of birds in the given capacity. The major issues of the case dealt with the specification of clause7.4 articulated in the contract bet ween Yarrabee and Steggles. It was under this particular clause of the contract that Steggles was considered to be liable to offer ‘any extra shed capacity’ to the Growers in preference to any other third party which apparently depicts the occurrence of a contractual dispute. (b) Regarding the pivotal clause 7.4, what case law principles governed its ‘proper construction’, in the view of the judges (Jacobson, Lander & Foster JJ) on appeal? The primary judge affirmed that the phrase ‘extra shed capacity’, as articulated in the clause 7.4 of the contract bound Steggles â€Å"to offer to the growers, first and in preference to any third party, the capacity to grow any bird to be processed at the Beresfield processing plant in one of the Growers’ sheds on their farms†. The second judgement with respect to the case affirmed that Steggles had resulted in the breach of contract against the terms articulated in cl 7.4(a) of the contract e ntered between the Growers and Steggles. In this particular context, Steggles was found to breach the contract against the terms illustrated under cl 7.4 (a) of the contract as the judges concluded that â€Å"the evidence makes plain that Steggles distributed chickens to other growers for processing at the Beresfield plant when the Growers had capacity to grow those chickens†. However, Steggles was not satisfied with the above stated findings made by the primary judges and appealed against those findings. Contextually,

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 9

Research Paper Example Often, online reviews and responses are invaluable promotional resources for most companies. Streitfeld, 2013, addresses serious questions on the credibility of promotional strategies applied by companies based on online review rankings. The article addresses most pertinent issues to online marketing and promotions based on review ratings. First, it addresses challenges of an increase in online retail purchases prompted by increase in cases of industry of fibbers and promoters focused on buying and selling raves for a pittance. Streitfeld, 2013, maintains that there increasing instances of falsified online reviews to help companies promote their goods and services. High necessity for positive reviews by businesses and companies rendered the review system a struggle of superiority because no corporation accepts low ratings. The article highlights challenges of a high demand for positive reviews by businesses and companies as a struggle of supremacy in which every enterprise intends to ensure favorable competition. Streitfeld, 2013, uses an example of Sandra Parker, who served under contract by a company to fabricate Amazon reviews for $10 each. Parker’s role was to neutralize the effects of insincere reviews posted by customers for various companies to with favor and expand market dominance. According to Streitfeld, 2013, reviews lose meaning if illegitimate reviews get the same prevalence similar to those that are honest. The algorithm was successful because it was possible to distinguish honest reviews and fake reviews. According to the algorithm, false reviews are narratives addressing their experience at the firm using many superlatives without a vivid description of the facts. There is a high prevalence in the use of illegitimate and misleading reviews on company or business websites. Consequently, it is misleading for consumers and influences their product choice. Relevant regulations should be in place to regulate misleading reviews set

Monday, October 28, 2019

Review Of Herman And Chomsky Essay Example for Free

Review Of Herman And Chomsky Essay The ‘Manufacturing Consent’ of media operations written and applied by Edward Herman and   Noam Chomsky say   that elite mass media are united and interlocked with other institutional sectors in ownership, management and social circles. In democratic societies mass media plays an important role. They respond to public concerns and create awareness to the state policies important events and view points. The fundamental principles of democracy depend upon the notion of a reasonably informed electorate   that reflects   public opinion and respond to public concerns Media is an integral part of the society, media need not be controlled or set to a pattern they work united with other sectors. (European Journal of Communication; 2002, pg.147). Herman and Chomsky’s propaganda model has been named as ‘conspiracy theory’ because of its determined view of media behavior, according to them mass media are instruments of power that mobilize support for special interests that dominate the state and private activity and mass media acts in unison with other sectors, i.e. the academy, to establish, enforce, reinforce and police corporate hegemony. (European Journal of Communication 2002, pg148) .   Herman and Chomsky reject the ‘conspiracy label’ however ‘the Manufacturing Consent’s emphasis is on motives of media behavior, in relation to institutional controls.(Herman and Chomsky ;1988,pg 1-35). The model assumes that media designs should be explained in structural terms. According to Herman and Chomsky there are five major ‘filtering’ mechanisms which structure the news content. The authors admit that propaganda model cannot give every detail of such a complex matter as the working of the national mass media, the model does not assume that news reporters, editors and other workers are instructed or typically compelled to omit some voices and emphasize others, the model outlines circumstances under which media will be comparatively ‘open’ or ‘closed’. As micro-analysis is not the task of the Propaganda Model, it only provides an overview of the system at work, making sense out of a confusing picture by removing the main principles of the system, the basic argument in this context   is that meanings are easily ‘filtered’ by restrictions that are made in the system. The authors argue that meanings are formed at odd levels, as the decisions are understood to be natural and sensible, however the authors do not imply that newsroom workers always make decisions to align themselves with the interests of the dominant elites.(Rai,1995:pg46) Herman and Chomsky write that all news material goes through five inter related filter restrictions. Leaving only cleansed residue fit to be printed.(Herman and Chomsky;1988:pg 3-14). The five filter elements are: (1) the size, concentrated ownership, owner’s wealth, and profit orientation of the dominant mass-media; (2) advertising as the primary income source of the mass media. (3) the reliance of the media on information provided by government, business, and experts funded and approved by the primary sources and agents of power. (Martin and Knight 1997,pg 253-254). (4) Opposition as means of disciplining the media; (5) anti-communism as a national religion and control mechanism.(Herman ,cited in Wintonick and Achbar,1994:pg108). The first filter restriction emphasizes that media are closely interlinked and share common interests with other dominant sectors as corporations, the state, and banks. The dominant media sectors are large firms with large businesses; they are controlled by very wealthy people or by their managers who are subject to sharp restrictions by the owners. The second filter emphasizes that the news production process is highly influenced by advertising values ,most media must sell markets(readers) to buyers(advertisers).This dependency can directly influence media   performance, Chomsky   remarks   that media content reflects the interests of the sellers, the buyers, and the product . Herman contends that the application of the first and second filters of the   propaganda model has greatly influenced the economy the communications industries, and politics went through dramatic changes the two filters ,ownership and advertising have become even more important. The third filter is the news gathering process, the dominant elite provide press releases, copies of speeches, periodicals, photos, and thus government and corporate sources are attractive to media only for economic reasons. The third filter stresses that the opinions by corporate and state sources are adapted to class interest and market force. Herman and Chomsky stress that the nature of the mutual relationship between media and sources directly affect the media performance. The powerful can use personal relationships, threats, rewards, to influence media. The media under obligations may carry untrue stories in order not to offend their close relationship with the sources. The fourth filter, flak, means the state the dominant social institution which has power and resources to force the media to play a propagandistic role in society Herman and Chomsky explain that flak refers to negative responses to media statement, it may involve individuals or independent action, and the authors contend that preferred meanings are structured by dominating official sources, in this way news may be skewed in the desired direction. The fifth filter, the anti-communism has been replaced by ‘otherness’ It’s the idea of scaring people, creating fear, hatred, and discontent aroused by social and economic conditions, to prevent them from realizing to what is really happening to them.(Chomsky 1998: pg48).The authors maintain that media shapes public opinion by controlling how ideas are presented; the five filters curb the flow of the news as it passes through its gates and can easily limit what can be big news. Herman and Chomsky state that these five filter constraints are the essentials of propaganda model, the members of the power elite try to shape the beliefs and attitudes and opinions of the people through the media, free and open discussions are part of the process but leaders utilize deceit and violence to combat individuals and institutions as the public does not agree with the opinion of the power elite. The world politics has seen radical changes since the demise of communism in the former Soviet Union as mentioned in the Manufacturing Consent. The fifth filter is termed ‘the dominant ideology ’through out this book, however,   anti –communism   has been emphasized as the ideological elements that are most important in terms of discipline and control mechanisms. The Manufacturing Consent, gives a vague description of the fifth filter its ideology helps to mobilize people against an enemy it can be used against any policies that threaten property interests or support the communist states and radicalism, the model presumes that media performance is understood as the outcome of market forces, the dominant media are deeply and firmly imbedded in the market system, the main information sources ,the media depends on   are the government and major business firms. Herman and Chomsky view media as dominant ideological apparatus same   as mentioned in the thesis by William Domhoff in his book ,The Powers That Be: Processes of Ruling Class Domination in America. (Domhoff 1979,pg 169). Domhoff contends that the   four basic processes through which the ruling class ‘rules’ are (1)the special interest process;(2)policy formation process;(3)candidate selection; and(4)the ideological process, the Herman and Chomsky’s theory is the mirror of Domhoff’s theory of ideological apparatus for dominant elites.(Domhoff;1979,179-183). The Canadian sociologist Wallace Clement writes about the ruling class of Canada, he states through observation that the ruling elite have remained consistent over the past century. The institutional links within Canada are at elite level, ownership of capital is highly concentrated.(Canadian Corporate Elite;1975). Another Canadian sociologist Patricia Marchak (1988;pg122),stresses that the main question is under what conditions the state would be obliged to act only with reference to the interests of the capital. When such conditions are obtained universally, and when they do, the validity of Propaganda Model is likely to increase.(Patricia Marchak;1988,pg34). Herman and Chomsky do not claim that media acts only to circulate propaganda. The Propaganda Model   Ã‚  describes ‘the forces that cause the mass media to play a propaganda role’ they also argue that media not only serve the political and economic interests of dominant elite but also of the state. The authors admit that the propaganda model does not explain everything in every context it deals with the patterns of media behavior and performance. The elite media decides what topics, issues, and events that are to be considered ‘news worthy’ by the lower-tier media and establish the general discourse, they determine, they select,   they shape,   they control, they restrict in order   to serve the dominant elite groups in the society. This system is at odds with reality as the powerful are able to decide what the general public is allowed to see, hear, think and create public opinion by regular control. Individual powerlessness grows in the face of globalizing market; support organizations as the labor unions are weakened .In the final pages of Manufacturing Consent Herman and Chomsky acknowledge that the system is not all powerful, the domination of media by government and the elite have not overcome Vietnam syndrome and public hostility to direct US involvement in destabilization and over throw of foreign governments.   Herman and Chomsky took the phrase ‘manufacturing consent’ from the influential American journalist Walter Lippman who advocated consent engineering. He said common good should be managed by small specialized class. The creation of consent is not a new art, it was supposed to have died out with the birth of democracy but it is very much alive, it is now based on analysis rather than on rule of thumb. The engineering of consent is the essence of democratic process, (Bernays; 1947, cited in Wintonick and Achbar, 1994; pg41). the freedom of speech, press, petition, and assembly; the freedoms to make the engineering of consent possible are the most cherished guarantees of the Constitution of the United States.(Lippman, cited inRai,1995;pg23).   John Jay was the first chief justice of the Supreme Court he said ‘those who own the country ought to govern it’ in other words it is necessary to ensure that those who own the country are happy or else all will suffer, for they control investment and determine what is produced and distributed and what benefits will trickle down to those who rent themselves to the owners when the y can. The propaganda model contends that media content is organized to manufacture consent and to prevent opposition media content serves political ends the media makes choices that establish and define ‘worthy’ and ‘unworthy’ causes. The news coverage devoted to government(state)policy in general(foreign and domestic) by the elite to generate audience interest and sympathy in some stories while directing attention away from other stories Media take close interest in the Third World and their interconnections with the   government.(Herman and Chomsky,1988;pg13-14). The authors write that media treats victims of oppression and state terrorism differently, depending on the perpetrators. The ‘unworthy victims’ (victims of oppression and /or state terrorism perpetrated by us (Canada, the US and the other capitalist democracies), and ‘worthy victims’ (victims of oppression and/or state terrorism perpetrated by official enemy states).Different treatment is observed in sourcing and evaluating stories, full swing investigation in search of villain and of high officials, to humane treatment more prominent coverage. In case of ‘unworthy victims’ of enemy crimes, allegations are simply invented they have to rely on official US. sources unless they prove it wrong in which case they are avoided(Cambodia under Pol Pot is a case in point).It predicts that the victims of state terrorism/violence that is perpetuated by the democracies or client states will be given treatment that can be seen to serve political ends (Chomsky, 1988; pg34). The writers as moral agents are trying to bring the truth about matters of human significance to an audience that can do something about them. My personal view is that citizens of democratic societies should take a definite course of self- defense to protect their rights with the help of radio and television, advertising and public relations to safe guard their rights from being manipulated. The Independent mind must be allowed to develop and grow in a free society it is a difficult task as in today’s free society, consent is manipulation of public opinion. I do agree with the writers, in my view the young minds should separate themselves from the official manipulative system. Thus the writers are invested with a moral responsibility to tell the truth, it is a very difficult task to perform today even in our free society. Works Cited Clement, W. (1975) Canadian Corporate Elite: Analysis of Economic Power. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart. Domhoff, William G. (1979) The Powers That Be: Processes of Ruling Class Domination in America. New York: Vintage Books. European Journal of Communication (2002) SAGE Publications (London, Thousand Oaks, CA and New Delhi), Vol 17(2): 147–182. [0267–3231(200206)17:2; 147–182; 023691] Martin, Michele with Graham Knight (1997) Communication and Mass Media: Culture, Domination and Opposition. Toronto: Prentice-Hall. Wintonick, Peter and Mark Achbar (1994) Manufacturing Consent: Noam Chomsky and the Media. Montreal: Black Rose.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Feminism And Gender Equality In The 1990s :: essays papers

Feminism And Gender Equality In The 1990's Overall, the rights and status of women have improved considerably in the last century; however, gender equality has recently been threatened within the last decade. Blatantly sexist laws and practices are slowly being eliminated while social perceptions of "women's roles" continue to stagnate and even degrade back to traditional ideals. It is these social perceptions that challenge the evolution of women as equal on all levels. In this study, I will argue that subtle and blatant sexism continues to exist throughout educational, economic, professional and legal arenas. Women who carefully follow their expected roles may never recognize sexism as an oppressive force in their life. I find many parallels between women's experiences in the nineties with Betty Friedan's, in her essay: The Way We Were - 1949. She dealt with a society that expected women to fulfill certain roles. Those roles completely disregarded the needs of educated and motivated business women and scientific women. Actually, the subtle message that society gave was that the educated woman was actually selfish and evil. I remember in particular the searing effect on me, who once intended to be a psychologist, of a story in McCall's in December 1949 called "A Weekend with Daddy." A little girl who lives a lonely life with her mother, divorced, an intellectual know-it-all psychologist, goes to the country to spend a weekend with her father and his new wife, who is wholesome, happy, and a good cook and gardener. And there is love and laughter and growing flowers and hot clams and a gourmet cheese omelet and square dancing, and she doesn't want to go home. But, pitying her poor mother typing away all by herself in the lonesome apartment, she keeps her guilty secret that from now on she will be living for the moments when she can escape to that dream home in the country where they know "what life is all about." (See Endnote #1) I have often consulted my grandparents about their experiences, and I find their historical perspective enlightening. My grandmother was pregnant with her third child in 1949. Her work experience included: interior design and modeling women's clothes for the Sears catalog. I asked her to read the Friedan essay and let me know if she felt as moved as I was, and to share with me her experiences of sexism. Her immediate reaction